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Published by: Mansi Srivastava


The 150 years old border dispute between India’s north-eastern states of Assam and Mizoram on July 26, 202, left several dead and many more injured.[1] It was reported that at least five Assam Police personnel died in this 164.6 kilometers long-standing inter-state boundary dispute. The demarcation between these two north-eastern states is an imaginary line that crosses almost all the rivers, valleys, and forests lying between these borders. Apart from being a geographic issue now it has become an ethnic issue.


This disputed Border is shared by three districts of South Assam – Cachar, Hailakandi, and Karimganj and three districts of Mizoram – Kolasib, Mamit, and Aizawl[2] by 164.6 km border. The origin of the dispute can be traced to when Britishers in mid 19th century started the tea plantation in the Cachar plains of South Assam. To increase the production of the tea plantation the Britishers expanded the plantation and eventually took it to Lushai hills in Mizoram. This encroachment of the land by the Britishers angered the civilians of Mizoram and led to the beginning of the dispute. To solve this issue between Mizoram and Assam, Britishers in August 1875 issued the notification in the Assam Gazette by demarcating the southern boundary of Cachar district. This was the first time when Britishers involved Mizo chiefs in this demarcation. It was reported that this notification was derived from Bengal Frontier Regulation Act, 1873 according to which Inner Line permit was necessary for non-Mizo residents. This is the main reason why Mizos considered this demarcation as their border. Further, in 1933 the Lushai Hills and the princely state Manipur were demarcated through an agreement. The Mizo chief didn’t accept the agreement as it was not made in consultation with them. On the other hand, Assam accepted the agreement and claimed the demarcation of the border as theirs. Both the Assam and Mizoram states were accusing each other of encroaching on each other’s land.

After independence, in 1973 Mizoram was separated from Assam. In 1987, after a ‘Peace Accord’ between Mizoram and the Central Government, Mizoram was conferred upon the status of full statehood. Thus, the Mizoram state was formed using the 1933 agreement as basics while the Mizos considered 1875 notification as to the basis of state borders. Whereas, Mizos used notification of 1875 and the notification of the Inner line of Lushai Hills,1993 to delineate the Assam boundary. Thus, in this way, the two different perceptions of these two notifications from Britishers have made the region victim of frequent violent attacks.


· It was in 1994 when the first dispute broke out between Assam and Mizoram. Apart from this several other conflicts between these north-eastern states have been reported.

· In February 2018, the regional party of Mizoram, Mizo Zirlai Pawl (MZP), in between both the region Hailakandi in Assam and Kolasib in Mizoram established the rest house in the forest. This rest house was destroyed by Assam Police as it was lying in the Assam territory. This decision of the Assam Government increased the tension of the region due to which Central Government had to intervene. Both the government of the States gave assurance to the Central Government that in the contested region, which was lying between Hailakandi and Kolasib, people will not be allowed to assemble and Status Quo will be maintained.

· In October 2020 the group of Mizoram burned the huts of villagers of Lailapur district in Assam. Again because of this incident the tension on the border was increased and at least 7 Mizo civilians got injured.

· In October 2020, a second incident took place when officials of the Karimganj district of Assam burned the farmhouse in the Mami district of Mizoram. After this incident both the officials of the states in close coordination decided to stop the conflicts in the Assam – Mizoram border.

· On 26th July 2021 again the conflict took place in which 5 Assam Police Personnel were killed and 50 more were injured in the violent clash. The reason for the conflict is alleged to be that the Mizoram undertook the construction of a road in the Lailapur area of Assam which violated the Inner Line Forest Agreement, along with this 10 km from Hailakandi district of Assam, Mizos planted betel nuts and banana saplings and on the other hand, Mizoram Government has claimed that 200 Assam Police personnel have forcefully entered their region and damaged many vehicles.


The tension between both states has still not ended. Recently just a day before the 75th Independence Day, fresh conflict erupted along with Assam- Mizoram border in the Hailakandi district of Assam after a Primary school was bombed by unknown miscreants in the Kachurthal area. [3] In this incident, parts of the Lower Primary School known as Sahebara LP School have been damaged. The school was located within two km from the Assam- Mizoram border, demarcated by a survey of India map, and was attacked by grenades while it was closed due to the second wave of Covid- 19 outbreak.[4] It was further reported that in February 2021 also some unknown miscreants used grenades to damage Muliwala Lower Primary School which resulted in hundreds of families moving out of the area in fear. The civilians from Hailakandi told that there has been series of attempts to terrorize locals by unknown miscreants from the Mizoram side throughout the year to create panic among the civilians of Assam.[5]


Central Government has always intervened for resolving the dispute between these two states. Mr Amit Shah, Union Minister of Home Affairs organized the meeting with the Chief Ministers of both the states i.e Assam and Mizoram, and has told them to resolve the dispute peacefully. Moreover, both the Chief Ministers have been reassured to resolve the dispute peacefully and amicably. In addition to this, Mizoram Government to resolve the dispute has established Boundary Commission under Deputy Chief Minister, Tawnluia.


According to the author’s point of view, it is better to analyze the actual border location with the help of Satellite Mapping to resolve the conflicts between the states. The inter-state border dispute can also be resolved peacefully and amicably by using Inter-State Council whose provision is given under Article 263 of the Indian Constitution. Further, the Central Government shall intervene more often to resolve the dispute between these two states. Apart from all this, strict laws should be implemented to cease the tensions which have erupted in the past 150 years.

[1] [2] [3] [4] Ibid [5]



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